Where does the information in MyTrainJourney come from?

MyTrainJourney uses historic performance information provided by National Rail. More information about this is available here.

What does Right Time % mean?

This is a percentage of the total trains found during your search dates where the train arrived early or within one minute of its scheduled arrival time. Trains that were 2 minutes or more late, or that were cancelled are not classed as “right time”.

What does Reliability % mean?

This is a percentage of the total trains found during your search dates where the train arrived early or within 15 minutes of its scheduled arrival time. Trains that were 16 minutes or more late, or that were cancelled are not classed as “reliable”.

Why can I not see my historic information?

We don’t store performance information for buses, ferries or underground trains, as this information isn’t available to us. If and when it does become available, we’ll incorporate it.

Why isn’t my route returned?

We work out your route by doing a journey query for trains departing now. Sometimes – especially around the rail timetable change in May and December – train times are changed which means that a particular journey may not be available any more. If you normally change trains, then you may find it better to check your individual legs separately.